all that matters 在 #FreddyVlog|米魯上中班了 結婚對象又換了🤣 的影片資訊
#FreddyVlog|米魯上中班了 結婚對象又換了🤣 這次的畫面時間跨距應該有兩個月,很明顯看得出來米魯真的長大了 但珍貴的剪髮畫面竟然⋯⋯ ig追起來 https://www.instagra...
#FreddyVlog|米魯上中班了 結婚對象又換了🤣 這次的畫面時間跨距應該有兩個月,很明顯看得出來米魯真的長大了 但珍貴的剪髮畫面竟然⋯⋯ ig追起來 https://www.instagra...
The first step to sustainable fashion is to drastically reduce your consumption. The second step is ...
Hello World, during this pandemic I know everyone is having super hard times. Losing those that we l...
Hey guys! Since moving to London i have moved around a couple rented flats and enjoyed getting to kn...
兩個月前(2021/4/初)的旅遊,在一陣忙碌之後才終於有時間上片。繼去年八月底去了九族,總算有機會出遊啦~ * 情侶在旅遊兼總是會吵架,該如何化解呢? * 你知道東華大學的涵仰之間是個什麼奇妙之地...
Helped a friend delivered a LG PuriCare™️ to his parents for Raya, and they thought I was a scammer!...
hey guys, i have been working from home for awhile now and i thought this playlist would be great fo...
我的客人當中有好些是中小企業的老闆。雖然大多都有老闆相,但往往在他們的臉上,不分年齡層,我都看到四個字:「歷經滄桑」。 生意本來就難做,去年的疫情更讓一些行業吃盡苦頭,我做這支影片希望盡一點綿力,幫...
Car top picnic is our new topic for 《EAT》…We honestly considered celebrating Valentines Day Lunch ea...
Robert Kiyosaki is an entrepreneur and the author of “Rich Dad Poor Dad”, the #1 bestselling persona...