blue sky white clouds song 在 | Jazz Harmonica Cover | ''Over The Rainbow'' by CY Leo x Joyce Cheung 的影片資訊
"Over the Rainbow" is a ballad composed by Harold Arlen with lyrics by Yip Harburg. It was written f...
"Over the Rainbow" is a ballad composed by Harold Arlen with lyrics by Yip Harburg. It was written f...
Fell in love with this song, since I was a baby. Hope you guys like this simple acoustic cover of Lo...
レミオロメン「3月9日」(2004)英訳カバー 作詞曲:藤巻亮太 英語詞:渡辺レベッカ ギター:横山牧人 リクエストに応じて、この曲を久しぶりに聴いて、英語版を作ってみました。とてもいい曲だと改めて...
The Song you like 《一天》電影: FaceBook: http://www.facebook.c...
What A Wonderful World Written by Bob Thiele, George David Weiss. I see trees of green red roses to...