bodybuilding female 在 #20 女生訓練菜單不同?女生的1RM都被低估?【SBD 烏何邱 系列】 的影片資訊
#邱個ChillChillderPodcast #SBD怪獸Podcast #邱個 成為頻道會員,小額贊助,支持我們製作更多更棒的節目❤️
#邱個ChillChillderPodcast #SBD怪獸Podcast #邱個 成為頻道會員,小額贊助,支持我們製作更多更棒的節目❤️
要練出翹臀,除了深蹲之外,原來後提腿都很有效!今期Cosmo Fit Friday有Toby 梁靖琪示範後提腿,動起來吧!為甚麼Instagram上的健身女郎連拉筋的照片都可以拍得修長又顯瘦?原來我們...
對於想健身練出好身材的女士來說,減掉令人煩惱的小肚腩就是終身事業,今期的CosmoFitFriday,有Toby 梁靖琪為大家介紹兩個減肚腩、練腹肌的動作,大家可以在健身房盡力嘗試喔!另外,去健身房做...
Week 9 - Why I'm not healthy I want to touch on why I do not think i'm completely healthy. Since l...
More and more females are coming to Tiger Muay Thai & MMA Training Camp, Phuket, Thailand to battle...
Exactly as of today as i upload this vlog. I have 25 days left. OMG!!!!!! I finally registered myse...
i have a confession.. I confess i let go while i was on holiday. I was suppose to stick to my nutri...
❀ Đăng kí gói tập ONLINE COACH - ngồi nhà giảm mỡ hiệu quả cùng Hana Giang Anh và các HLV Inspire Bo...
I personally have not tried to gain weight, but these are some of the tips which has helped my clien...