buddhist 在 【台灣第二季#29】台灣竟然有這個地方,讓人不由自主的安靜下來|台灣旅拍vlog-Taiwan travel|台灣印象,愛行侶 的影片資訊
Earlier this month I spent 3 days in Wakayama Prefecture, visiting the spiritual and historic Koyasa...
【人定勝天 還是 天定勝人?】Heaven's Will or Your Will? (English writing below) 講到改命,很多客人和觀眾會跟我提到我們華人的第一勵志奇書:《了凡...
Today we went to Flushing, New York City’s biggest Chinatown, to chat with Chinese locals in Mandari...
Today I had the opportunity to meet a real life 34th generation Shaolin monk in NYC’s Chinatown to p...
Mitoyo, a city in Kagawa, can be accessed from Hiroshima in about two hours by train. Best known for...
映画「君の名は。」主題歌、RADWIMPSさんの「前前前世」を短調にして歌いましたーー!!! MELOGAPPAは色々な角度から音楽を楽しむYouTubeチャンネルです!! ぜひ高評価&チャンネル登録...
大家好我是布萊恩~ Hi I’m Brian~ 今天的影片去台北霞海城隍廟拜拜,特地去拜月老然後我也順便教大家要怎麼拜~ In today’s video, I go to Taipei God o...
The year 2019 marks the 10th anniversary for Master Sheng Yen’s passing, the 30th anniversary for Dh...
父母病重,你帶他們到急症室。 他們馬上入院並開刀,現在長期吃藥 你已做了你該做的事情。 現在你還能為他們做什麼呢? 聽聽我和我先生為他父母,如何修功德迴向。 Your parents fell ve...