china police 在 給或會忘記的你…For those who might forget... 的影片資訊
【當年今日】 這是最好的時代,也是最壞的時代。 有人說我們的社會撕裂,但我卻感受到香港人史無前例的團結。 It was the best of times, it was the worst of ...
【當年今日】 這是最好的時代,也是最壞的時代。 有人說我們的社會撕裂,但我卻感受到香港人史無前例的團結。 It was the best of times, it was the worst of ...
Twitch傳送門: 根據鏡周刊的報導:【據了解,台中港一名林姓碼頭工人1日凌晨下班後,在西碼頭聽到聲音查看後發現偷渡客在求救,隨...
After posting a video about the mistreatment of a fellow Ghanian who was refused treatment at 4 hosp...
It's appalling and ridiculous, but Chinese society actually has a massive issue, swimming is too dif...
Get your Kento Bento merch w/free month of Nebula: Our Patreon: http...
I was detained, trailed and harassed by Chinese SWAT, a special police investigator, a Chinese commu...
【#難為記者】警方日前拘捕香港電台《鏗鏘集》編導蔡玉玲,多個傳媒工會恐怕此舉摧毀新聞自由,造成寒蟬效應。 早在九月,警方修改了《警察通例》中傳媒代表的定義,香港記者協會會員不獲承證,令自由身記者受到...
Police in Taiwan are very polite...and meek. Which is both good and bad. They don't escalate situati...
This is a warning to the rest of the world, the CCP will always break their promises... For a deepe...
And not just me, anyone worldwide who says anything that the Communist party doesn't like... For a ...