diabetic 在 Melinda Looi - Steamed Bitter Gourd with Eggs 的影片資訊
I love cooking and Batik. So today I feel like wearing Batik to cook. How many of you like bitter g...
I love cooking and Batik. So today I feel like wearing Batik to cook. How many of you like bitter g...
腸活が目的で毎朝ウォーキングをしているのですが、ついつい朝寝ぼけていると日焼け止めを塗って家を出るのを忘れちゃうんです。紫外線を浴びていたら、なんかシミができてきた気がする…w そんなピンチなわたし...
----------------------------------------------------------------------- ▼公式LINEアカウント「長谷川ろみの腸活研究所」 --...
สูตรที่ 1 เพิ่มสมรรถนะร่างกาย วัตถุดิบ 1.นมจืด 1 กล่อง 2.มะนาว 1 ผล 3.ไข่ไก่ 2-5 ฟอง หรือไข...
Baru-baru ini saya menjalani proses saringan kesihatan atau health screening bersama KPJ Klang di ma...
Throwback Year 2019 Diabetes causes Neuropathy and have a greater risk for falls. This diabetic pati...
When I was first diagnosed with type 2 diabetes, I was worried that I had to miss out on social even...
Roland has been living with type 2 diabetes for 6 years now & as his wife, I often act like his diab...
If someone in your family is suffering from diabetes or diabetes runs in your family, consider getti...