dior usa 在 半日Local Tour喪行美國紐約景點 | 黑咪 的影片資訊
今日參加咗半日Local Tour喪行美國紐約景點: : Empire State Building, Intrepid, Space Shuttle Pavilion, Water Taxi, 91...
今日參加咗半日Local Tour喪行美國紐約景點: : Empire State Building, Intrepid, Space Shuttle Pavilion, Water Taxi, 91...
今日都去幾多地方。 先去咗美國紐約 Chelsea Market啦,喺嗰度食埋lunch。 之後去咗行The High Line,景色真係唔錯! 再陪Mr Honey去B&H睇相機用品,之後到佢陪我去...
今日join咗local tour搭直昇機去美國大峽谷,嗰度真係曬到燶!之後我哋book咗喺Mandarin Oriental酒店做Spa。 行下食下Popeyes同Tacobell,又幾好食! 夜晚...
今日參加local tour去睇星光大道,Hollywood Sign,Griffith Observatory同名人屋企。之後冇野做第一次搭Uber去行The Beverly Centre商場,又行...
今日係美國三藩市第二日,去咗唐人街。Mr Honey話三藩市嘅唐人街係亞洲以外最大嘅,所以要去參觀下,仲喺嗰度食咗中國菜。之後去咗九曲花街,再四圍行吓無聊吓咁就一日,夜晚去咗網友介紹既餐廳食龍蝦,好食...
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Pearypie around the world this time is in the city of Angel, Los Angeles, Dior makeup has unveiled i...
Please check out my business Luxury Fashion Rentals, a luxury handbag rental e-commerce website: htt...