dogphotography 在 Your Dog’s Name Should Be Positively Associated All The Way! 的影片資訊
呼喚狗狗的名字時,名字都應該是正面的聯想,狗狗才會應機! . #WE5 #Shibaland #Shibainus #shibas #ShibaGang #GrandpaDogTraining #Gr...
呼喚狗狗的名字時,名字都應該是正面的聯想,狗狗才會應機! . #WE5 #Shibaland #Shibainus #shibas #ShibaGang #GrandpaDogTraining #Gr...
Grandpa 噏乜狗 - 您有您的自由,但那人家的呢? Grandpa’s Philosophies - You Have Your Freedom, But How About the Other...
Grandpa 噏乜狗 - 狗狗很可怕?還是其實人更可怕 Grandpa’s Philosophies - Dogs are More Fearful? Or Humans Actually ? ? ...
Grandpa 噏乜狗 - 叫喚狗狗的名字時應該都是正面的 Grandpa’s Philosophies - Should be All the Way Positively Associated W...
Grandpa’s Dog Training Case: The Nipping 拗柴BB? Thank 拗柴’s Family for the Trust and also the Universi...
人,如果冇夢想,同條鹹魚有乜分別?但係每日都在質疑,每天都很矛盾,唔通我哋既嘅夢想要等到宇宙毁滅之後方能實現?唯有選擇 #只要不投降就是成功!莫問前程吉凶,但求落幕無悔! When Our Dream...
那宇宙毁滅之後呢.....?我們的夢想能實現嗎?只要不投降,就是成功! #疾風 When Our Dreams Shall Come True?! Not Giving Up, is What Su...
Grandpa?噏 - Grandpa噏乜? 在Vol. 13 - 細膽狗狗驚車、驚人點算好?! Grandpa’s Logical Philosophies Vol. 13 - What to Do...
Grandpa?噏 - Grandpa噏乜? 在Vol. 12 - 同狗狗出街的準備及管理狗狗情緒 . 我們每天都盡心盡力給人分享我們應如何管理狗狗、如何多角度邏輯思考的理念,希望能夠早日人狗共融人人...