front teeth 在 Dr. $hrek X J-King - WHATSTYLE ? 的影片資訊
⚠️ bring back the OG’z ⚠️ 8ball元老J - KIng攜手Dr.Shrek瑞克博士 將最純的G-shit帶回台北市 拿出你口袋僅剩的鈔票灑在這片貧瘠的土地上 “Now...
⚠️ bring back the OG’z ⚠️ 8ball元老J - KIng攜手Dr.Shrek瑞克博士 將最純的G-shit帶回台北市 拿出你口袋僅剩的鈔票灑在這片貧瘠的土地上 “Now...
Frenectomy can look scary right? ? But in dentistry, labial (“upper lip”) frenum is often reduced to...
For this video, we went down to Xperience Restaurant at SO/ Sofitel Singapore to complete their Moth...
いつもコーキtvをご家族でご視聴下さり有難う御座います!今後も親子で一緒に楽しめる動画をお届けできるよう頑張ります! 8歳まで虫歯ゼロ、定期健診でいつも褒められるこうちゃん👦 上の前歯がグラグラです👀...
エマちゃんの歯が2年ぶりに抜けました。これで通算9本目です。 アメリカでは歯が抜けると、抜けた歯を枕の下において寝る風習があります。 (日本は上の歯が抜けたら縁の下に投げ入れて、下の歯がぬけたr屋根の...
Today was a good and bad day. The good is that I got to be styled by the fabulous fashionista/talent...
Another throwback!!!!! I used to get so mad at Mr. Kewo for making me vlog. I’m always super shy in ...
コメント、高評価、チャンネル登録よろしくお願いします! Please share and thumbs up if you liked the video, also subscribe for mo...
Hey everyone, this is Eve. In this video, I will be making Porg from Star Wars' Last Jedi. Porgs are...
went for a short 1 week trip to Hong Kong with my family between 22-28 May 2016!! i planned the enti...