kathmandu 在 【尼泊爾Ep2】街邊零食"酸辣版"爆米香好吃嗎?帶你穿梭加德滿都街頭巷弄市集!|加德辛布佛塔→因陀羅廣場→阿森街|Kathmandu|Nepal|旅行,路上。 的影片資訊
帶各位旅伴一起穿梭尼泊爾加德滿都塔美爾(Thamel)的街頭巷弄與市集,嚐嚐在地早餐:咖喱與印度烤餅(Curry and Chapati)與街邊小吃:烤玉米、爆米花(Puri)與咖哩餃(Samosa)...
帶各位旅伴一起穿梭尼泊爾加德滿都塔美爾(Thamel)的街頭巷弄與市集,嚐嚐在地早餐:咖喱與印度烤餅(Curry and Chapati)與街邊小吃:烤玉米、爆米花(Puri)與咖哩餃(Samosa)...
If you think travel makes you happy, raise your help while you traveling will gives you doubled joy!...
為“13世紀世界文化遺產”建立8個語言的聲音導覽系統, 讓日後所有踏遍千里走上猴廟的遊客能對世界文化遺產深度了解, 讓與佛有緣的人來到這裡真正感受到親近佛, 也為猴廟廟方多創造一個自給自足的機會, 慈...
First time in Nepal? Here are some crucial tips which you may not want to miss !!! Which will keep ...
尼泊爾落地簽證、入境、換錢、機場交通(Pre-paid Taxi)與加德滿都(Kathmandu)塔美爾(Thamel)背包住宿全攻略!並帶各位嚐嚐尼泊爾的街頭小吃:雞蛋捲餅(Egg roll) #尼...
The Nepalese bus system is really confusing, and somewhat untouched by foreigners, so today I take y...
Bhuwan had a tough life growing up, but he has made a living for himself now after a lot of hard wor...
This, is Kathmandu, and an introductory video to the mystical country hidden in the himalayan mounta...
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SUBSCRIBE NGAY ĐỂ XEM CÁC VIDEO MỚI: https://bit.ly/2S2DqXD Cộng đồng: www.facebook.com/groups/cdym...