manglish 在 用韓語反擊! 黃明志遭BlackPink 粉絲霸凌MV被舉報下架 – You Know Who Is My Father ? 的影片資訊
Hey BlackPink fans! I actually can speak Korean if you want… 莫名其妙被BlackPink粉絲網路霸凌, 五百萬點閱的MV被刪除. 這次不...
Hey BlackPink fans! I actually can speak Korean if you want… 莫名其妙被BlackPink粉絲網路霸凌, 五百萬點閱的MV被刪除. 這次不...
Hey Gentlemen! The European Cup Start liao! See how my German team beat the French team XD Now you k...
Hello blackpink fans. Thanks for giving me view rate??. There is also a lyrics version here, please ...
I found that many foreign audience cannot understand the meaning of my English lyrics?. Malaysian an...
Check this out our Dato' Namewee's MANGLISH rap song【You Know Who Is My Father?】。The moral of the so...
I am so SORRY… I can’t stop laughing when I hear foreigner say Pukimxk, Kukujxao, ChewCxpet, Kanninx...
YJ 這次為大家帶來原汁原味的 🇲🇾 馬式英文 Manglish 🤣 真的幾乎都無視文法了欸~~~(好爽 英文已經國際化到各個國家都會有自己的特色!不知道小查某們對於基本上無視文法的馬式英文有什...
動画がいいなと思ってもらえたら、ぜひ高評価とチャンネル登録お願いします! 「ここに行ってみてほしい!」「これを食べてみてほしい!」など、リクエストやコメントも気軽にお願いします♪ インスタやTwi...
A big thanks to Jinny for the Manglish lesson & for letting us use his studio!! Jinnyの動画はこちらでチェックでき...
Hey pretties ! I have decided to do something different with a you tuber friend of mine . Samyang...