michellephan 在 Concerned but staying calm 的影片資訊
Stay safe everyone! We'll get through this together. I'll try my best to post more content :) ☤ C...
Stay safe everyone! We'll get through this together. I'll try my best to post more content :) ☤ C...
Kẻ Thù LỚN NHẤT của Tiếng Anh. Tài Liệu Để Input reading từ Dễ đến Khó (3 levels): https://www.news...
#hoctienganhtucanban #quytac #alexd Bài hát gốc: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=pFSQh_5QE40 Tài Li...
I'm really proud of these gifts. I've been searching for months for all the different cels for my fr...
Vlogmas week 2. Watch till the end :) Thank you Jana Kleemeier from Bite Beauty for hosting my E...
I'm ready for 2020. p.s Stay till the very end of the video. Love you! Yes I have another sister. P...
My favorite moment in time. I'm very proud of my team for bringing this collection to life. We hop...
I can't believe I even had the energy to edit this vlog. Happy holidays! My newest makeup tutorial ...
When you like your work, everyday is a holiday. Magic Hour collection is now available. We also ha...
I dare you to watch this with headphones on with the volume up. I had so much fun editing this. Lmk...