關於movement的評價, Leonardo DiCaprio
Hello from Lake Athabasca, we're here learning about the Canadian tar sands. We took a moment to joi...
Hello from Lake Athabasca, we're here learning about the Canadian tar sands. We took a moment to joi...
今天國際間、很震撼的消息: 🔥當媒體、政客痛批蔡英文政府,他們說的,#是真的還是假的? 🔥當「蔡英文或政府」,被挑釁式的霸凌(不包括理性的批評),你心中是否 #油然升起一股仇恨、#嗜血的快...
超厲害的混音,全部都是線上流行歌曲!怎麼接的這麼順阿! SONGLIST 0:01 - Maroon 5 feat. Wiz Khalifa - "Payphone 0:03 - The Want...
Fareast Movement X By2💋 東方聯盟第二次來北京,ㄧ定讓他們有美好的一晚!💃 We are one tonight and we breathing in the same air...
เห็น บตบก. เกาหลีฮือฮากับลิปนี้มาก Poetic movement #06 SYMMETRY เลยอยากได้บ้าง พอหาร้านพรีไม่มีร้านไ...
第一次在美國開直播,好像不太順.... 【林昶佐入聯演講,於台灣外交酒會@紐約】 Ladies and gentlemen, good evening, I am Taiwanese Parlia...
第一次在美國開直播,好像不太順.... 【林昶佐入聯演講,於台灣外交酒會@紐約】 Ladies and gentlemen, good evening, I am Taiwanese Parlia...
ĐỪNG LÔI VIỆT NAM VÀO VỞ HÀI KỊCH CỦA CÁC BẠN NỮA! Ngày 10/03 và 11/03, Phil Robertson, phó giám đố...
Random Hospital updates: Awesome thing about hospitals. Doctors and nurses are mega excited and hap...
我是鄭宇劭,可以叫我Bob! 我是物理治療師,也是肌力與體能訓練教練,熱愛運動賽事也熱愛訓練,目前在練健康健身房工作並且國立體育大學修讀競技與教練科學研究所碩士班,與競技體育一流的老師和選手還有同學...