mumvlogs 在 s&j《FAMiLY》Postpartum Care: Skincare, Haircare, Diet, Belly Binding, Exercise 的影片資訊
Finally had time to do a video postpartum care vlog, from skin to hair to diet and keeping fit. All...
Finally had time to do a video postpartum care vlog, from skin to hair to diet and keeping fit. All...
終於有時間拍一條關於產後護理嘅vlog啦! 由皮膚到頭髮到飲食,keep fit...每樣都十分重要!喺生完 Damon之後好開心同到一啲好嘅品牌合作。所有嘢都係非常簡單同埋易用例如 Clinique...