on streets 在 うだつの街並み、あかりは準備中,udatsu-style houses streets,Japan 的影片資訊
ピナレロ、オペラ、ロードバイクに乗って、板取川をサイクリングしてきました~。 http://youtu.be/RUHJuhoPPaU http://youtu.be/iWaBHD2TS0U 帰り道、...
ピナレロ、オペラ、ロードバイクに乗って、板取川をサイクリングしてきました~。 http://youtu.be/RUHJuhoPPaU http://youtu.be/iWaBHD2TS0U 帰り道、...
I head out into the streets of Buji, avoid the dump trucks spewing dust on my way to my local bike s...
"Erika" is a traditional German folk song, sung by my mother, Britta. As a child growing up in Inns...
PLEASE WEAR HEADPHONES AND CLOSE YOUR EYES, to experience this "3D" binaural recording of sounds on ...
PLEASE WEAR HEADPHONES AND CLOSE YOUR EYES, to experience this "3D" binaural recording of sounds on ...
驀然回首 詞:辛棄疾(南宋〈青玉案.元夕〉) 曲:陳建榜 編:雙雙 東風夜放花千樹,更吹落星如雨。 寶馬雕車香滿路,鳳簫聲動, 玉壺光轉,一夜魚龍舞。 蛾兒雪柳黃金縷,笑語盈盈暗香去。 眾裏尋他千...
藍藍的南太平洋上,有一座快樂的小島,那裡陽光四射、充滿歡笑與活力。居民們最大的嗜好就是品嚐美食,所以街上開了好多餐廳,各種食物的香氣飄上天空,連雲都變得香噴噴的! 島上的居民純真可愛,除了努力做著自...
[READ ME ^_^] Hey everybody, As promised- here are some of the footages of the Meet & Greet. Most...
Hey Guys! My friends & I visited Macau for a day trip and I thought it will be cool to bring you...
A candid video of me on my way attending class on the streets of Paris. I just snap as I stroll alon...