poland 在 Night Routine | Taiwan x Poland | Lesbian couple 的影片資訊
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💌 [email protected] If you would like to repost/share our content, please dm us on Instagram or se...
我嚇到了!疫情間從台灣搭飛機到波蘭!大公開!Shocked! How did I take the airplane from Taiwan to Poland during the pandemic...
Let us know if you want us to post more shorts on YouTube, also feel free to follow us on our brand...
💌[email protected] If you would like to repost/share our content, please dm us on Instagram or sen...
波蘭捐贈台灣40萬劑疫苗後,很多人跟我們說想捐款給波蘭慈善單位 我們超級贊成,讓波蘭人知道我們知恩圖報的精神吧:) 以下是我們每年都會捐款支持的波蘭慈善基金會清單,給大家參考: 1.WOŚP(聖誕...
💌[email protected] If you would like to repost/share our content, please dm us on Instagram or sen...
💌[email protected] If you would like to repost/share our content, please dm us on Instagram or sen...
I have been working hard to prepare for this dream since I was a child. Finally! The dream came true...
從美國發起的一年一度六月「同志驕傲月」,近年來蔓延到了全球其他國家。在世界上許多主要城市,Pride 已成為主流。但在其他地方,仍然需要秘密慶祝,LGBT 人們也正在為自己的權益奮鬥。 Pride m...