pro democracy movement 在 泰緊張!泰國學運抗爭為何不斷升級?泰國軍方又為何常常在干政?|志祺七七 的影片資訊
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#吸菸有害健康 #拒絕私菸 #打擊非法私菸 #菸品健康福利捐 請勿購買來歷不明、標示不清、走私、或價格明顯太低的菸品,一起為國家財政、國人健康把關! 想了解更多資訊,可上「中區國稅局 稅務e吉棒...
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Mongkok is one of the world's most densely populated urban areas -- and it's now home to a very poli...
Pro-democracy protesters in Hong Kong have erected a makeshift altar in the middle of busy street. ...
A "Democracy Bed" lies in the middle of busy street in Hong Kong's busy Mongkok district. A sign han...
Pro-democracy protesters have blockaded Hong Kong's central business district – and many of the busi...
Crowds throw umbrellas to pro-democracy protesters blocking streets around Hong Kong government offi...