processed foods 在 BLENDING FAMILY, FITNESS AND FUN 的影片資訊
With an active family and growing babies, we try to have the best nutrition to supplement our lifest...
With an active family and growing babies, we try to have the best nutrition to supplement our lifest...
Feeling bored at home and love spicy food? Can try this #spicychallenge then. I thought it was all o...
たこ焼き器でまん丸【揚げたてカリふわ】自家製がんもどき/Ganmodoki with Tuna./ひろうす/飛竜頭 —————————————————— Ganmodoki is one of p...
Magic onigiri rice ball, salmon, wakame seaweed, gomoku okowa. They are made of Alpha rice(cooked an...
最近、がんのリスクが増えるといわれて取り上げられることがとても増えている「超加工食品」。 すごく危険だ!っていう話をされる方もいれば、いやいやむやみやたらに危険性をあおるな!っていう話をされる専門家...
マロンすき億番目に。I like chestnuts. It is 100000000 in ranking of all foods. It has been stationary for 50 y...
What's in My Kitchen Pantry? What do I eat on a daily basis? Here are my top 15 Must-Haves. Watch th...
我吃不胖是有秘密的。。。 我影片裡常常吃美食,很多人都以為我吃不胖。其實我也是很容胖的。以前胖到我心臟都會痛。我後來改變的飲食習慣,不用餓肚子也可以維持好身材。 飲食重點就是: 1. 天然為主 (不...
運動:深蹲,單槓,伏地挺身,波比,跑步,慢跑,dips, 翻輪胎 飲食:盡量吃自然食物。肉,青菜,蛋,馬鈴薯,糙米 等等都很好 少吃不自然的:麵包,麵,百米,炸的,甜點。飲料...
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