skiing time 在 asian kid first tries ice skiing and gets destroyed ? - EUROPE VLOG 的影片資訊
hope you enjoy this kind of contents as well MERCH: Join the pumpkins m...
hope you enjoy this kind of contents as well MERCH: Join the pumpkins m...
Back in the days, around the time when YouTube was founded, before most of you were born, I used to ...
Back in the days, around the time when YouTube was founded, before most of you were born, I used to ...
Hey YouTube Family!! I took my boyfriend to Big Bear Mountain about 1.5 hours from our house. I ha...
ご視聴ありがとうございます!^^ AC920はAC900の後継機種と思われがちですが、 個人的にはAC700の後継機種だと思っております。 そのAC700と比較テストをしてみました。 再び、ヘタクソな...
We signed up for First Class Beginner Lesson Program at Snoqualmie. It is an amazing lesson for fir...
「滑雪很有趣,未來,我想以滑雪為職業,以滑雪為生活的軸心。」 這是叔叔在2004年許下的一個心願,15年後的今天,它還是每天鼓勵我前進的最大動力。 但「滑雪為何有趣」?這個定義,在每個階段,各有不同...
#與SIO同遊日本 ►►► ...
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Japan travel tips and guide on the many things you can do in winter in Japan! Off the beaten path s...