sunway velocity food 在 【静晶日记#121】【蕉賴香辣魚蛙大餐!多汁燒烤鮑魚+羊肉串!cheras food hunting | sunway velocity mall | spicy food 】 的影片資訊
【静晶日记#121】【蕉賴香辣魚蛙大餐!多汁燒烤鮑魚+羊肉串!】 加入會員傳送門: Like and Follow me lah~...
【静晶日记#121】【蕉賴香辣魚蛙大餐!多汁燒烤鮑魚+羊肉串!】 加入會員傳送門: Like and Follow me lah~...
感謝Sunway Velocity讓我有這麼棒的吃喝玩樂體驗! Sunway Velocity 正在推出 SSS 配套!SSS呢就是 Screen, Stay and Shop! Stay & Sh...
【#EatFun 平民美食大推荐 ‼️】 对中国菜情有独钟的你,一定confirm不能错过隐藏在Pudu的这家【刘记小吃】不仅价钱公道?,招牌拌面超超超超好吃?!健康美味又独一无二的正宗味道,你在外...
#sycookiesxhotpot Mala hot pot, otherwise also known as the China hotpot is my absolute next favouri...
I walked from Mytown shopping mall(Cheras Ikea) to Sunway Velocity. This walk will take around 10 mi...
Heyyy! It's the last and final day of my Kuala Lumpur Vlog series. Today I went shopping in Sunway V...
#sycookiesxhotpot If Taiwan beverage is taking over the world with boba, it will be accurate to say...
如果你是素食者,同時又喜欢日本料理的话,一定不能错过这集的 K Journey, 我们为你介绍这间绝对能满足您的味蕾,结合了现代素食和日本料理精神的素食餐厅,餐点丰富而精致的禅舍素食(Zen Hous...
#sycookiesxhotpot LINK TO BLOG REVIEW: FOLLOW ME ON SOCIAL MEDIA YouTube- https:...
4 May yang lepas, pihak sponsor - Kerengga Chocolate Shake (Mediherba HQ) belanja aku tengok wayang ...