the atelier婚紗 在 VLOG43 我們台灣拍的婚紗照 Shooting Our Taiwan Wedding Pictures 的影片資訊
If you ever wanted to know how we get them classic Taiwan Wedding Photos taken this is the video for...
If you ever wanted to know how we get them classic Taiwan Wedding Photos taken this is the video for...
Cindy要挑選婚紗囉! 大家應該都看到我們蘋果日報的新聞,敘述著為何我們籌備許久的婚禮必須延期至明年。雖然婚期延後,但婚紗照還是可以拍攝,婚紗還是得挑選!!! 挑選婚紗的店家為美麗精緻的White ...