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Back in the colonial era, British-born dominated Hong Kong’s senior government posts, including the ...
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Dartmoor National Park is home to incredible hiking trails and stunning natural landscapes. It is al...
We LOVED Ireland, and very highly recommend you go check it out. There are lots of trips to take and...
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#最差旅館 #恐怖住宿 #評價最差 被職員老點坐錯車, 陰差陽錯下去了Bristol 由四個小時的車程變八個小時 千辛萬苦終於到曼徹斯特! 但最崩潰的不至於此 入住了這間旅館簡直慘過去非洲!!! 有...
What it's like arriving in Japan at Narita Airport and taking the Narita Express train (N'Ex) into T...
Day 4 … The Cliffs Of Moher! We LOVED Ireland, and very highly recomm...