[Trends / 甜點潮流] 面對疫情,線上大師課將會成為最新趨勢?/ Will online masterclasses be the new hit? (English below)
隨著全球疫情逐漸緊繃,越來越多人被限制在家不得出門。法國從3/15凌晨開始,所有餐廳、酒吧、咖啡館等「非必要」商業全數停止營業;3/17中午開始全境禁閉(confinement)之後,許多店家受到嚴重的打擊。有些甜點店與麵包店「照常營業」,因為某些商品(例如麵包)是必需品,甜點師與麵包師必須冒著感染風險去上班。也有些高級甜點店宣布停止營業,譬如才剛剛開幕不到四個月的 Cédric Grolet Opéra 。餐廳與依靠大量旅客的飯店旅館業自然更慘,復業遙遙無期。法國政府雖然立即宣布挹注450億歐元援助企業,馬克隆總統更宣稱「再小的企業都不用擔心」,但若這是一場超過三個月以上的長期戰役,此類措施顯然無法持久、也會對經濟造成毀滅性的打擊(法國財政部長已經宣布預期今年經濟負成長 1%)。
以下為大家整理出一些我這幾天看到在線上分享甜點製作教學與食譜的主廚們,如果想要練習甜點與法文,值得有空觀賞。最後打書一下:想要更加認識這些主廚與法式甜點內涵,不能漏掉我的好評新書《#法式甜點學》👉👉 https://tinyurl.com/vwj9drr,直到下週二(3/25)正式出版前預購、並私訊購買證明的讀者,都能獲贈我的《Paris for the Sweet Tooth》電子導覽一份。
🎥 分享甜點、麵包,甚至廚藝課程影片的主廚: Philippe Conticini、 Nina Métayer 、 Cyril Lignac(與法國電視台 M6合作)
📝 分享食譜與影片的主廚: Yann Couvreur(Instagram 即時動態)、 Christophe Michalak
🔖 延伸閱讀:
With the outbreak of COVID-19 pandemic, many countries now toughens restriction and measures against travels and social gatherings, France is of no exception. The government has announced to close all "non-essential" businesses such as restaurants, bars, cafés, etc. since the 12th. Starting from the 17th, the country has been on lockdown. Like many other industries, food industry has been hugely affected. Many shops are forced to close although some are exempted. Restaurants and hotels face an even more severe threat as much of their income relies on tourists. Although the French government has announced a €45 billion aid package to help entreprises and employees, this apparently won't sustain unlimitedly.
Some French chefs and pastry chefs started sharing recipes and doing masterclasses online as their businesses are closed and people are confined at home. However, as the pandemic crisis continues, it is expected that the lockdown will be prolonged. We'll soon witness the rising of online pastry classes and the business of packaged food ingredients (as already the case in Taiwan).
Here're some of the pastry chefs that are sharing their recipes or even step-by-step videos online (or on TV) for your reference. If you are staying at home feeling anxious, not knowing what to do, maybe it's time to pâtisser!
🎥 Chefs sharing videos or are on live: Philippe Conticini, Nina Métayer and Cyril Lignac (on French TV channel M6)
📝 Chefs sharing recipes: Yann Couvreur (Instagram stories) and Christophe Michalak
🔖 To read more on this topic
"L'Art de la pâtisserie française", a thorough guide to the history, culture, industry, and current trends of French pastries: https://tinyurl.com/tqds3p2
French pastry chefs that you have to know: https://tinyurl.com/y49mhpl3
#yingspastryguide #yingc #frenchpastries
最值得擁有的法式甜點行家養成指南 在 Ying C. 一匙甜點舀巴黎 Facebook 的最讚貼文
❣️(English below)我的新書《#法式甜點學》、#最值得擁有的法式甜點行家養成指南 已上市!!!
新書在世界一片煙硝之中上架了❣️ 希望這些小小的幸福能夠在此時穩定大家的心神,打起勇氣重新面對不可知的未來。
📌 實體書79折購買連結——
誠品:https://bit.ly/2WuK0ev (*香港誠品也已上架!)
📌 電子版購買連結——
Readmoo 讀墨:https://tinyurl.com/u98mx4l
Google Play:https://tinyurl.com/ut7pgpq
📌 再次感謝豪華推薦陣容: 美食家的自學之路 Self-taught Gourmet Liz、 葉怡蘭 Yilan 老師 、 Yu Chocolatier 畬室 法式巧克力甜點創作 鄭畬軒主廚、 187巷的法式 烘焙/料理/烹飪教室 女主人 Linda、 Quelques Pâtisseries 某某。甜點 兩位創辦人 Lynn & Lai、 MillyQ / 米粒Q 與 #accro 總監 MillyQ、 SEASON Cuisine Pâtissiartism 主廚 Season、 獻給地獄廚房的情書 & G.D 主廚 Yen、 在欉紅 red on tree 暨 九日風 主廚楊豐旭。至於他們究竟都說了什麼,可以在書籍介紹頁面看到,接下來一陣子也會慢慢和大家分享❤️
📌 預購小禮: #巴黎甜點店電子導覽
出版社的正式出貨時間是3/25,網路書店出貨時間會看各通路,但大約是隔天。凡在下週(3/25)正式出版前預購的讀者朋友們,請 私訊或在下方留言,截圖你們的預購發票或訂購確認明細(記得隱藏個人重要資訊如電話地址或甚至姓名),並留下email信箱,我會統整資訊,在書正式上市後將導覽寄送給各位當作禮物。
Paris for the Sweet Tooth 介紹:https://tinyurl.com/yynbslop
📌 小提醒:
1. 電子版將在實體書上市後過幾天才上線(大約三月底),因為需要確認檔案。想要買電子版的朋友可以再稍候一下。
2. 香港與海外的朋友們,可以利用博客來、金石堂與誠品網路書店的海外寄送服務。香港誠品書店也將在台灣實體書上市後兩週左右上市(大約是4/8左右),所以也可以選擇再稍候一下。
雖然都開始預購了,但我和 大雁出版基地編輯與行銷團隊的工作還沒結束,還在做最後的校對與索引,另外還會再討論接下來的行銷活動,應該會有機會和大家碰面的,到時候也很期待聽到你們的迴響!
L’Art de la pâtisserie française, my new book dedicating to the art of French pastries is published. It’s a book that gives you a thorough and in-depth overview on the history, culture, industry, training system, and latest trends of French pastries. Interviews with the most influential pastry chefs, such as Cédric Grolet, Yann Couvreur, Maxime Frédéric and Jessica Préalpato, are also included. If you’re a French pastry lover and would like to know more about the stories behind and learn how to appreciate the art of it, this is a book that you can’t miss.
📌 The book is available in all major bookstores in Taiwan and Eslite bookstore in Hong Kong. Get a closer look inside of it, know what others say about it, or get your copy:
Book.com.tw: https://bit.ly/39VUt6u
Kingstone bookstore: https://bit.ly/2UcV6Sm
Eslite bookstore: https://bit.ly/2WuK0ev
❣️Find the digital version here:
Book.com.tw: https://tinyurl.com/vl5zkhe
Readmoo: https://tinyurl.com/u98mx4l
Google Play: https://tinyurl.com/ut7pgpq
Kobo: https://tinyurl.com/vlqo2f7
#yingspastryguide #yingc #lartdelapâtisseriefrançaise
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