[欣榮花園購物商場]這不是惡搞,這不是Fake news。大名鼎鼎 aka惡名昭彰嘅We Company,新一輪嘅重組,亦都有rebranding.新名叫做,WeWork!是真的
路透社原文:The We Company reverts to WeWork name to emphasize office-sharing roots(https://bityl.co/3xog)
TLDR:最正係,舊年年頭,公司先由WeWork改名做WeCompany.6百萬美金嘅問題:啲改名嘅錢,去咗邊個度?識玩梗係做Start Up CEO
1. 老實講,班友可以忍住唔撚笑講出嚟,就已經值回咁高人工。我就冇咁嘅修為啦。
2. 係喎,原本(即係,早兩日)間公司,係叫做We Company。WeWork係個產品 /牌子/其中一部份啫。類似例子都唔少,都幾煩,因為記者次次寫都要講「XX母公司XXX」,十分浪費時間,但唔寫又有讀者找碴(呢個世界好多人係冇其他更有意義嘅嘢做的)。例子?「Google 母公司Alphabet」「Gucci母公司Kering」「Uniqlo母公司迅銷」「Zara母公司Inditex」,我甚至見過人寫「LV母公司LVMH」「聯交所母公司港交所」「香港上海匯豐銀行母公司匯控」(OK,呢個係我玩嘢寫嘅)。
3. 雖然我有時覺得,寫Inditex話唔明,要你講明係Zara母公司嘅,you are in the wrong class啦。又講返個舊例子,穿Prada的惡魔,呀大口姐姐(BTW,從來都唔覺得靚,而家啲批蕩甩晒,我好性)接電話,幫老細take message,問人地「Can you please spell Gabbana?」,對家就冚撚你線,知你唔撚係路啦!You are in the wrong class
4. 而仲有啲更衰嘅,你寫Gucci Google股價乜乜乜,要出嚟找碴更正話係Kering Alphabet嗰啲,更加不知所謂,應該go get a fucking life。
5. 不過Wework嘅例子更撚加好笑,亦都充份反映到呢間公司嘅企業文化,就係假大空,把撚,懶撚係嘢。
6. 好笑在乜?好笑在,根本WeCompany 呢個名,又係舊年年頭先改嘅!(https://bityl.co/3xo0)果然神又係你鬼又係你。當時係強調,拿,我地唔止得WeWork,仲有WeLive同WeGrow。我地唔係地產公司,係科技公司,共享經濟,改變世界,噢耶。
7. 當然可以自圓其說啦,凱恩斯話齋, 'When the facts change, I change my mind - what do you do, sir?'。「落後三球同領先三球都同樣打法咩戇鳩」「一月時未有肺炎啦,世界都唔同晒」。我都識講
8. 當然,以上我講呢啲就太低層次。高層次點講?睇下條印度仔CEO點講:
9. “We want to be strategic. We want to be innovative. We want to be impactful. We want to be WeWork”
10. 嘩,真係邱吉爾再生呀!果然識英文有襟蚊籮同啲!拿,咪就係咁樣,所以人地拎咁嘅人工,我就拎咁嘅人工!(兩個「咁嘅」又見到中文幾咁偉大)
11. 今次點解改名?因為公司又再想大家留意返,我地係地產公司嚟的。我屌,大師(即係我)一早已經話搵笨實(https://fbook.cc/3H8r),擺明就係劏房,high乜撚tech
12. BTW,仲有一大堆AI乜乜乜嘅,得閒我都寫下。最新有間新加坡智能咖啡機,咩呀,開返畀我去就唔使屌?(當然我會照去)。其實之前仲有好多呢啲公司,但部份啲創辦人或者入面嘅員工我識,咁就費事寫了。所以同我做朋友都係好好的!訂埋Patreon更好!(https://bit.ly/31QmYj7)。當然我唔會埋沒良心(屌你咩,一個月一舊水就買個良心?我良心好大的)幫你唱好,但至少我唔會踩多兩腳。
13. Anyway,WeWork Rebranding呢啲咁嘅鬧劇,最開心真係啲歐嘥打,幫佢地印嘢嗰啲,換logo嗰啲,話咁撚快又可以換過晒。
14. 然後話你知,好多普通人,根本係連公司改過名做We Company都唔知的。可能睇完我呢篇文,佢地先發現:下?原來改過名?以為一路都叫We Work喎。證明呢啲乜柒rebranding,十居其九都係管理層自high,同埋益朋友,二奶,或者自己。最好請多班consulting firm出嚟幾球嘢講下個brand awareness,然後十球八球嘢整個logo,再出一堆新嘅rebranding campaign
15. 真架,估下上次rebranding啲錢去咗邊?We Company個Trademark用咗幾錢?用咗600萬美金。問邊個買?Adam Neumann。個名咁熟嘅?正係公司嘅創辦人兼上手CEO.係喎,左手交右手,公司畀錢買返自己嘅嘢。你話,喂,關聯交易喎,交易所唔理?Sorry喎,私人公司,唔使益萬惡金融撚。唔鍾意嘅,quit WeWork咯。(而Adam Neumann就真係quit WeWork!再拎多咗幾舊大錢,而家可以日日隊草)
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emphasize 例文 在 浩爾譯世界 Facebook 的最讚貼文
🔥How Rituals and Focus Can Turn Isolation Into a Time for Growth
🎭 These harrowing times are taking an emotional toll. Our new reality—disrupted lives, fears of infection, worries about loved ones, the loneliness that can come with prolonged isolation—brings to the surface disorganizing feelings, from panic to despair, that a busy life might keep at bay. But there are ways to make this period of self-quarantine not only endurable but rewarding.
- Harrowing: 悲慘的、痛苦的
- Emotional toll: 情緒負擔
- Bring to the surface: 使...浮出水面、放大特定問題
- Keep...at bay: 控制...、避免...持續擴散惡化
🌞 William James, the great philosopher and psychologist, observed that people are collections of habits but that we can rid ourselves of those that don’t serve us well. He counseled us not to “sit all day in a moping posture, sigh and reply to everything with a dismal voice.” New habits can carry us ahead in an organized way, letting us heighten our sense of control over our days and nights and keep disabling feelings in check. We can focus more on the small moments that comprise our lives, becoming more present and endowing ordinary routine with deep emotional investment.
- Counseled: 建議、輔導
- Moping: 自怨自艾
- Posture: 姿勢
- Keep... in check: 控制...、避免...持續擴散惡化
- Comprised of...: ...組成的
- Endow: 賦予
- Routine: 日常慣例、例行做的事情
💊 I had the opportunity—which, at the time, felt like a horrendous misfortune—to put that wisdom to the test as the primary family caregiver during my wife Joan’s 10-year struggle with Alzheimer’s disease. Life loses rhythm, direction, definition. Joan and I banished the feeling that we had fallen into limbo by reconstructing our daily activities. By celebrating shared experiences and intensifying attention to mundane tasks, we filled those moments with passion and awareness.
- Horrendous: 糟糕的、可怕的
- Misfortune: 不幸的事件
- Banished: 驅逐、流放
- Limbo: 靈薄獄、籌措不前的狀態
- Mundane: 平凡的、乏味的
We can _____ more on the small moments that comprise our lives, becoming more present and endowing ______ routine with deep emotional investment.
A. emphasize/ obstructive
B. focus/ ordinary
C. fall/ additional
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emphasize 例文 在 多益達人 林立英文 Facebook 的最佳貼文
We Expect Police to Be Brave For Us. But What Happens When They’re Not?
When Lt. Craig Cardinale got to Marjory Stoneman Douglas High School as a mass shooting ( ) was unfolding ( ) last year, he found Deputy Scot Peterson pacing outside, repeating, “Oh, my God. Oh, my God.”
The deputy, who was assigned to the school, was behaving in ways typically associated with fear or panic, the lieutenant told investigators. He was moving “back and forth ( ),” talking to himself and “breathing heavily.”
What he was not doing was what the prevailing ( ) law enforcement protocol ( ) says was his first responsibility: Go into the building. Stop the gunman.
Peterson has been castigated ( ) and criminally charged with endangering children and culpable negligence ( ) in connection with the attack that left 17 people dead. The case against him is highly unusual and promises to raise all manner of legal questions, such as whether a police officer’s failure to perform as trained can lead to ( ) prison.
But it also raises a larger moral question: How much bravery do we expect, or demand, of law enforcement officers? What level of courage rises to the level of heroism — and what is just part of earning the paycheck?
Officers themselves are likely to hear inconsistent ( ) or even contradictory messages that may reflect the public’s polarized ( ) view of police as protectors or oppressors. Police officers rushed into the twin towers as they were collapsing; they have also shot and killed unarmed people for fear of losing their own lives.
“Every cop has heard some variation of ‘Your first job is to go home at the end of your shift,’ some version of ‘It’s better to be tried ( ) by 12 than carried by six.’ And every cop has also heard ‘You are the heroes; you are the front lines of defense; you are the ones who are supposed to run toward the gunshots,’ ” said Seth Stoughton, a former police officer who now teaches law at the University of South Carolina.
Expectations and training have changed drastically since the Columbine High School massacre ( ) in 1999, when law enforcement was criticized for failing to quickly confront ( ) the assailants and 13 people died. Until then, typical police protocol had been for officers to wait for backup, or for the SWAT team to arrive.
But after that, many departments rewrote policies to emphasize that every minute could mean another death. Officers were instructed to impede ( ) or take down the gunman immediately.
Dan Oates, who was the chief of police in Aurora, Colorado, when 12 people died and 70 were wounded in a shooting in a movie theater there in 2012, said officers are now drilled ( ) in tactics that put the well-being of hostages and innocents first.
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