Information Session for AY21/22 Outbound Student Exchange Program (1st Intake)
日期 Date: 2020/11/11 (Wed)
時間 Time: 12:30-14:00
地點 Venue: 人社三館1樓演講廳 Lecture Hall, 1F, Humanities & Social Sciences Building 3
報名網址 Registration Link: https://forms.gle/JWZmuVUxBooHSxoz8
說明會內容與時程 Contents & Schedule:
1. 12:30-12:45 香港中文大學暑期實習經驗分享-戴瑋妡同學 (CUHK Summer Internship)
2. 12:45-13:15 出國交換管道與申請方式說明-交大國際處周小姐 (Outbound Exchange Programs for NCTU students)
3. 13:15-13:30 台灣聯大交換學生計畫說明會-台聯大李小姐 (UST Exchange Programs)
4. 13:30-13:45 香港中文大學學期交換經驗分享-梁詠欽同學 (CUHK Semester Exchange)
5. 13:45-14:00 美國加州大學聖地牙哥分校暑期實習經驗分享-許勛豪同學 (UCSD Summer Internship)
※現場提供簡易餐點,發完為止 Light meal will be provided on a first-come-first-serve basis.
※出席完整說明會者,將獲得「出國交換說明會參加證明」,申請本校110學年度校內甄選時可加分。 Students who attend the entire information session will be provided with the Certificate of Participation, which will be counted towards bonus mark when applying for the internal selection for AY21/22 NCTU outbound exchange program.
更多資訊 Further Information:
1.交換說明會公告 Announcement of the Information Session
2. 110學年度第一梯次出國交換計畫公告 Announcement of the AY21/22 Outbound Student Exchange Program (1st Intake)
3.110年度第一梯次台聯大交換學生計畫公告 Announcement of the AY21/22 UST Student Exchange Program (1st Intake)
主辦單位Organizer:國際事務處 NCTUOIA
承辦人Contact Person:周秋儀 Cherrie Chow
cherrie@nctu.edu.tw 校內分機Extension No.:50059
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