What are your goals as a yoga teacher? Do you feel supported as you evolve in your yoga career? Are you even evolving? As yoga teachers, it is sometimes hard to find the time or encouragement that fuel us in order to give to our students. That's the whole idea of #mentorshipworkshop, a small project that @claudia.whitney and I started out of love two years ago. Yesterday was the reunion for alumni of the workshop, with meditation led by @maynogoyyoga, vision and goal setting by @ivy_poison_ivy and Ting Yo from @lululemonhk and experience sharing from successful yoga teachers in hk: @wholehealthyhappyhk @playwithcora @be_love_ariel and @charlotte_lovelifehk.
Never be shy or ashamed to seek for help, never hold back from giving. Be part of the #yogacommunity in #hongkong. Thank you all for coming yesterday. And stay tuned for more info on the next yoga mentorship workshop in July. 🙏🏼🙏🏼🙏🏼
#yogamen #yogi #asanaaddict #instayoga #yogainspiration #igyoga #yogateacher #yogaeverydamnday #yogaeverywhere #flexibilitytraining #yogalife #yogajourney #yoga #victorchauyoga #yogapractice #yogalove #realmendoyoga #boysofyoga #lululemonambassador #zen #fitness #wellness #yogainhongkong #goalsandvisions #boysofyoga @ Tamar Park