survival instinct 在 Make A Swimming Pool And Raise Fish In The Wild Stream, Survival Instinct, Survival Skills, Ep 47 的影片資訊
I need a lake for bathing and keeping fish, I decided to make a lake in the stream.. #KêmMun...
I need a lake for bathing and keeping fish, I decided to make a lake in the stream.. #KêmMun...
For business inquiries please e-mail: [email protected] (not taking collab requests at this time) ...
I went to check the trap and got a lot of fish, I set a fire and roasted the fish by the bank of the...
I checked the rock trap, got only one mouse, I took more bamboo shoots and went home to cook. #KêmMu...
I spend my time working as a fish trap to catch fish in the wild stream. #KêmMun...
大家好,我是探險威狼 今天帶大家去體驗做太魯閣族美食『竹筒飯與香蕉飯』 這兩個傳統美食是太魯閣族人必學的美食 如果不會會被罵不是『真正的人』 所以我們從就會在旁默默的觀察、學習如何做出美味的這兩道菜 ...
I go to the forest to pick up but wild snails bring them home for food. #KêmMun...
I went into the forest to get bamboo shoots and accidentally discovered a snake cave, I made a trap ...
大家好,我是探險威狼 今天帶大家去『夜抓溪蝦與青蛙』 很多的優土伯都拍過了夜抓溪蝦的影片 今天我帶大家抓不一樣的 而怎麼補抓 請大家把影片看好看滿 在原住民的傳統當中 如果家人出現皮膚病等症狀 我們就...
I went to the forest to pick up snails and bring them as food.. #KêmMun...