survival instinct 在 Plant Cassava And Find Food In The Wild Stream, Survival Instinct, Primitive Survival, Kêm Mun, Ep44 的影片資訊
I planted more cassava in the garden for food, I followed the wild stream to catch crabs and wild ve...
I planted more cassava in the garden for food, I followed the wild stream to catch crabs and wild ve...
? Nhiều bạn hỏi mình link mua các sản phẩm của mình thì đây, mình sẽ chia sẻ các bạn muốn mua gì hãy...
大家好,我是威狼 太魯閣族狩獵,乃至於原住民族狩獵 是族群延續的命脈 很多人或許會認為語言、服飾 才是必要傳承的 但原住民男性在狩獵環境中更能深入了解族群文化 狩獵 是一種與父親學習、增進情感的時光 ...
I went to check the trap, fortunately a wild boar was trapped, I roasted the pork and dried.. #KêmMu...
大家好,我是威狼 這部影片請大家以文化傳承角度來欣賞 今天帶大家來到花蓮深山學習『太魯閣族傳統狩獵』 這次帶來的系列事業間狩獵篇 總共會有三集 從夜間狩獵的事前準備到收穫 每一集都有非常精彩的畫面 此...
大家好,我是威狼 這部影片請大家以文化傳承角度來欣賞 今天帶大家來到花蓮深山學習『太魯閣族傳統狩獵』 這次帶來的系列事業間狩獵篇 總共會有三集 從夜間狩獵的事前準備到收穫 每一集都有非常精彩的畫面 此...
大家好,我是威狼 這部影片請大家以文化傳承角度來欣賞 今天帶大家來到花蓮深山學習『太魯閣族傳統狩獵』 這次帶來的系列事業間狩獵篇 總共會有三集 從夜間狩獵的事前準備到收穫 每一集都有非常精彩的畫面 此...
I perfected a place to eat and drink and foraging, I went to small streams in the deep forest, dug g...
I reclaimed a garden to grow vegetables and food crops, served life in the rainforest, now the begin...
My house is completed after 3 days, I can now rest assured to sleep, the house is very sturdy and co...